Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ask the Pro - Barbara Kafka shares her tips

Ever wondered what to do with that pot of gold?

We're talking about morels, of course, which are in full swing.

Here's what Barbara Kafka - veteran restaurant consultant, famous (and delicious!) cookbook author, longtime Vogue columnist and, well, check her out at http://bkafka.blogspot.com/ - suggests:

"For the people with an over suppy of morels--what a pleasure--I suggest
cleaning them sauting in a little olive oil and simmering in some chicken
stock until cooked and freeze in small quantities."

When we have the right weather and stretch of time to supervise, we dry morels. The sun does a nifty job, and takes more than a day to dry them. Lay morels out on a screen with plenty of space in between the pieces. When they feel brittle, turn them and do the other side. At dusk, take the screen inside, to avoid the dewy hours of dusk-to-dawn.

For more details, check out The Mushroom Lover's Mushroom Cookbook and Primer, by Amy Farges, Workman 2001.

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